Radical Trust for the Frontline

Trusting teachers, students, and families grows school systems that thrive.

Join a movement of educators + leaders who are committed to FLIPPING school systems.

What’s Flipping?

“The same trust, autonomy, and opportunity that we are trying to give our students, that’s what we’ve been given as leaders, and we all thrive on that!”

Tony Sheumack, School Leader, Victoria, Australia (in Flip the System Australia: What Matters in Education)

Why do we need to Flip?

Our public education system was not designed to provide opportunities for all students to achieve and thrive. Racial injustice has been built in from the beginning. These challenges will not be solved by a single program, initiative, curriculum, or technology.

Systemic problems require systemic solutions. Meaningful, enduring improvement means changing HOW we work. We must change how decisions are made, and who makes them.

To flip requires radical trust. And radical trust gets school systems unstuck and transformed.

How do we Flip?

Successful flipping requires courageous leaders to put radical trust in the frontline: classroom teachers, students, parents and community members.

Those in positions of power must believe a different way is possible. They must demonstrate fierce commitment to redistributing power + trust, even in the face of skepticism and challenges. They must take big risks and put their reputations on the line. To flip systems, we must activate and connect audacious leaders.

Evidence of Success

Flipping education is not merely a hunch. Flipping shows evidence of success across many sectors from medicine and technology to manufacturing and the military. Education is among one of the last sectors to explore and make this 21st Century shift…

Unleash Greatness

What might schools and education systems designed completely around trust look like?

Too often we rely on quick fixes or one-off solutions that fizzle without lasting results. Flipping is a holistic approach that unleashes everyone’s responsibility and leadership to improve school systems. Radical trust brings out the collective’s best ideas and greatest strengths.

With all hands on deck, working towards a shared purpose, flipping catalyzes gains in:

  • Student-Centered Schools
  • Personalized Learning
  • Social-Emotional Support
  • Trauma-Informed Instruction
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Teacher Effectiveness
  • Equitable Access to High Quality Instruction
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning, Mentoring+ Collaboration
  • Shared Purpose + Stewardship
  • Trust + Collective Responsibility
  • Creativity + Innovation
  • 21st Century Learning
  • Collective Efficacy
  • Parent and Family Engagement
  • Community Outreach + Engagement
  • Culturally Relevant and Responsive Classrooms
  • Project-Based Learning